We should only use the COUNTER words, because librarians are experts. Low effort, difficult words
Writing for digital products: Springer Nature
Part 5 of 13 in the series Some of my skills.
Part 5 of 13 in the series Some of my skills.
We should only use the COUNTER words, because librarians are experts. Low effort, difficult words
I am forgetful. So I invented a way for my washing machine to communicate with me. No, no cats where hurt in the machine :)
Part 6 of 8 in the series Deliverables.
On Bernies iPad we failed to order a print from WhiteWall.com. On my Mac it went quite smoothly and we appreciated the good overview that we had throughout the process. With some further developments, WhiteWall will get Bernies top score. Listen to our experience of the site.
Some places are difficult to feel affection for, despite me desperately wanting to fall in love. Chipperfield Kantine is one such place. It's a problem of layout.
As an Interaction Designer (IxD) I have the power to exclude poor people, people with low cognitive abilities and 1 billion illiterate persons from sites and apps that I help create. I can also help destroy our environment. I want to see the problems that exist and use my skills to help people be more free.
I am reading Todd Zaki Warfels excellent book about prototyping and realized early on that I need to use prototypes as a compliment to functional diagrams for documenting design patterns in the misfits method. In interactive applications, the full solution should often be a prototype.
Language divides reality and can never present the whole, real X (with X being any man-made or natural object or system). Language also categorize and, together with culture, formalize the categories, thus making it difficult to discovery new ways of categorizing the world. "Whether the pattern is new or 'old' does not matter as long as the pattern is a good fit."
I have recently finished C. Alexander's seminal book "Thoughts on the synthesis of form" in which he outlines the base of what was to later become "design patterns". Modularizing design.