Vi lever inte alla i samma värld. Med det som utgångspunkt kan fantastiska möjligheter skapas för specifika personer och grupper. Ett exempel är ZacBrowser vilken fundamentalt ökar interaktionsmöjligheterna för unga personer med autism.
NISO conference talk: From somewhat awful to pretty great for librarians, a new e-commerce tool
We started building an e-commerce tool for librarians to license individual eBooks. The first version was partly good, partly awful. It is getting better, a little at a time.
Interaction design: The Bolibompa dragon
Part 13 of 13 in the series Some of my skills.
All adults know that dragons giggle when they are tickled. But many kids have not found that out yet. So we in the Bolibompa team set out to build a digital dragon who kids relate to and whom they want to tickle! A Ticklish Mission.
Design research: How we 3 to 5 year olds behave
Part 12 of 13 in the series Some of my skills.
Sure, we are individuals. But when we are given an iPad many of us behave quite predictably. We always relax ... and are always active.